致力于流固界面多尺度力学,先进结构设计与制造研究。主要包括流固界面稳定性演化规律及流动减阻机理、跨介质自由液面演化规律及降载增稳、气泡生长形貌演化机理及应用、仿生表面结构设计制造及流动控制、多相多材料3D打印、变体结构设计及运动性能调控等方面的研究。在Phys. Rev. Lett.、J. Fluid Mech.、Phys. Rev. Fluids、Soft Robotics、Adv. Intell. Syst.等期刊发表SCI论文70余篇。

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1.  P. Lv, P. Peñas, H. Le The, J. Eijkel, A. van den Berg, X. Zhang*, and Detlef Lohse*. Self-propelled detachment upon coalescence of surface bubbles. Physical Review Letters 127, 235501 (2021).

2.  P. Lv, Y. Xue, Y. Shi, H. Lin*, and H. Duan*. Metastable states and wetting transition of submerged superhydrophobic structures. Physical Review Letters 112, 196101 (2014). (ESI 高被引文章)

3.  Y. Cao, X. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Wu, C. You, H. Li, H. Duan, J. Huang, P. Lv*. Water impalement resistance and drag reduction of the superhydrophobic surface with hydrophilic strips. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16, 16973-16982 (2024).

4.  W. Zhou, X. Li, H. Duan, and P. Lv*. Multi-material integrated 3D printing of cylindrical Li-ion battery. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 144, 064501 (2022).

5.  Y. Cao, X. Feng, S. Wang*, Q. Li, X. Li, H. Li, W. Hong, H. Duan, and P. Lv*. Multiple configuration transitions of soft actuators under single external stimulus. Soft Matter 18, 8633-8640 (2022).

6.  X. Li, H. Duan, P. Lv*, and X. Yi*. Soft actuators based on liquid-vapor phase change composites. Soft Robotics 8(3), 251-261 (2021).

7.  G. Wang, X. Li, X. Tan, S. Ji, J. Huang, H. Duan, and P. Lv*. Motion enhancement of spherical surface walkers with microstructures. Advanced Intelligent Systems 3, 2000226 (2021).

8.  Z. Li, S. Ji, H. Duan, S. Lan, J. Zhang, and P. Lv*. Coupling effect of wall slip and spanwise oscillation on drag reduction in turbulent channel flow, Physical Review Fluids 5, 124601 (2020).

9.  H. Li, Z. Li, X. Tan, X. Wang, S. Huang, Y. Xiang, P. Lv*, and H. Duan*. Three-dimensional backflow at liquid-gas interface induced by surfactant. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 899, A8 (2020).

10. P. Lv, H. Le The, J. Eijkel, A. van den Berg, X. Zhang*, and D. Lohse*. Growth and detachment of oxygen bubbles induced by gold-catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 20769-20776 (2017).

11. P. Lv, Y. Xiang, Y. Xue, H. Lin, and H. Duan*. Morphological bubble evolution induced by air diffusion on submerged hydrophobic structures. Physics of Fluids 29, 032001 (2017).

12.  P. Lv, Y. Xue, H. Liu, Y. Shi, P. Xi, H. Lin*, and H. Duan*. Symmetric and asymmetric meniscus collapse in wetting transition on submerged structured surfaces. Langmuir 31, 1248-1254 (2015).