德国埃尔兰根-纽伦堡大学(Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg)代表团一行12人将于2007年3月7日下午访问北大及北大工学院,与我院学生展开自由交流。这次交流将为我院学生提供了解德国及德国大学生,提高英语、德语口语交流水平的机会。欢迎对德国文化和教育感兴趣的学生踊跃参加此次交流活动,专业、年级不限。具体活动内容包括校园游览、实验室参观、相互介绍、共进晚餐等。协助接待工作的学生可得到相应补助。该代表团及团员具体情况付后。希望参加者请于3月2日16:00前与张老师联系(E-mail:
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
The Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg belongs to one of the few universities being able to offer excellent interdisciplinary studies, because of the multitude of institutes, intensely cooperating. It's rather unique for a German university to both contain an outstanding medicine as well as technical department.
Consisting of eleven departments with more then 265 institutes, and over 11.600 employees, it represents the second largest university in Bavaria. Around 26.600 students are enroled, of which about 70 % come from Franconia. With an expenditure of about 650 million Euros, the university represents an essential economic factor in our region.
The technical faculty has been established forty years ago and contains at the moment nine study courses (consecutive bachelor-/master courses): computer science, chemical and biological engineering, mechatronics, mechanical engineering, material sciences, information and communication technology, industrial engineering, computational engineering, electrical engineering.
Moreover, two master programmes have been established over the last few years: Advanced materials and processes + Systems of information and multimedia techniques.
The group of students visiting you in March consists of eight electrical engineers (with the specialization in high frequency, microelectronics, communications engineering and automation), two chemical engineers, one industrial engineer, as well as an employee of the institute of information technology. Among those eleven students are eight graduates and two undergraduates.