
题目:Nanophotonics and Near-Field Thermal Radiation in Advanced Energy Systems
报告人: Professor Zhuomin Zhang
G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332, U.S.A
主持人:符策基  副教授
联系人:王健平  8252 9038

In this presentation, I will focus on recent developments in nanoscale radiative transfer and in tailoring radiative properties with nanostructured materials for energy conversion applications. First, I will present some experimental results of coherent thermal emission from one-dimensional photonic crystals, with an emphasis on the effect of surface waves between a one-dimensional photonic crystal and a metal. Next, I will describe the enhancement of thermal radiative flux between closely spaced surfaces, due to photon tunneling and the excitation of surface waves, for application in near-field thermophotovoltaics. Finally, I will discuss our recent finding on using metamaterials with a negative magnetic permeability for tailoring the radiative properties of nanostructured surfaces.

Zhuomin Zhang is an ASME Fellow and a professor of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in engineering thermophysics from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, and a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from MIT. He worked at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Florida prior to joining Georgia Tech. Professor Zhang’s research interests are in the areas of micro/nanoscale heat transfer, with applications to optoelectronic devices and semiconductor manufacturing. He has written a textbook on Nano/microscale Heat Transfer (McGraw-Hill, 2007) and authored/co-authored over 90 journal papers and 4 book chapters, received 2 patents, and given over 60 invited and 110 contributed presentations. Professor Zhang was a recipient of the Pi Tau Sigma Outstanding Teacher Award for 1997, the Sigma Xi Junior Faculty Research Award for 1999, the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for 1999, the Heat Transfer Division Best Paper Award for 2000, and the AIAA Thermophysics Best Paper Award for 2005. He currently serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Thermophysics and is an associate editor of the Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer and the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. He also served as a co-chair for the 2nd Integration & Commercialization of Micro & Nanosystems International Conference & Exhibition, Hong Kong, China, June 3-5, 2008; and is a vice-chair for the 17th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, June 21-26, 2009.